The Prayer Book’s rite of Reconciliation of a Penitent—that is, private Confession to a priest—is found on pages 447-452. The Episcopal Church’s informal rule regarding Confession is “none must, all may, some should.”
Church members troubled in conscience by serious sins are always welcome to avail themselves of this ministry of sacramental reconciliation. Just speak to the Priest-in-Charge to make an appointment.
Scheduled times when the priest will be available to hear confessions may be announced before major feasts such as Christmas and Easter, or on the Church's principal fasting days of Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
Some church members also find it helpful to make their confessions on a regular basis as part of a wider spiritual Rule of Life.
Church members troubled in conscience by serious sins are always welcome to avail themselves of this ministry of sacramental reconciliation. Just speak to the Priest-in-Charge to make an appointment.
Scheduled times when the priest will be available to hear confessions may be announced before major feasts such as Christmas and Easter, or on the Church's principal fasting days of Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
Some church members also find it helpful to make their confessions on a regular basis as part of a wider spiritual Rule of Life.